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Really Cool Black and White Bear Drawings

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i-North American Black Bear
Ursus Americanus – colour – black, bluish-blackness, brown, white (Kermode or Spirit behave). The North American Black Bear is the most mutual behave in North America ranging from the Country of Florida north, into Canada and north to Alaska. The black and brown colour phase of the blackness bear is common. The white colour stage is more than rare occuring in northward western British Columbia, Canada. The black bear is omnivorous. Their nutrition is mostly vegetable matter. Males reach total size at about eight years of age. Females mate and produce cubs at five to 7 years of age, 8 years and older in the boreal forest regions(Ontario). Males weigh up to 280kg(600 pounds), occasionally much more. Black bears live upwardly to 25 years in the wild. Older bears have been documented, yet the bulk of bears never attain sometime age due to human action (hunting). Credits-two white(Kermode)black behave photos-Charlie Russell, text, photos-Mike McIntosh

2-Brownish Bear Ursus Arctos – Several subspecies. The Dark-brown Bear can be plant in Alaska, western Canada,and parts of Washington, Montana and Wyoming. Pocket-size private populations are scattered throughout parts of Europe and Asia. Russia has a healthy population of dark-brown bears currently. Chocolate-brown bears range in colour from almost blackness, brown to very calorie-free brown or blonde. Size varies greatly depending on geographic location and general food availability. The largest bears, the "Big Browns" be along the coast of Alaska and Russia growing to very big sizes rivaling that of the Polar Bear. The interior bears of the North American Rocky Mountains (Grizzly Deport) and the mountains of Europe tend to exist much smaller. The really large bears (1500pounds/700kg and bigger) are now very rare. Credit -text- Mike McIntosh, photographs of brown bears – Charlie .


iii-Polar Conduct Ursus Maritimus Polar bears are among the largest bears in the world. Adult males may achieve 800 kilograms (kg) or 1760 pounds (lbs). In Ontario, the largest male person bear recorded from "alive capture" research studies weighed 654 kg (1439 lbs). The boilerplate weight of male polar bears in Ontario is nearly 500 kg (1100 lbs). Woman bears are smaller and average effectually 300 kg (660 lbs); their elevation weights practise non usually exceed 400 kg (880 lbs). Credit -text- Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. polar bear photographs – Roy de Haas/

four-Asiatic blackness conduct , Himalayan black bear, moon bear –Ursus thibetanus Asiatic black bears have long black fur with a distinct white patch on the chest that is often crescent-shaped. The fur effectually the shoulders and throat is especially long, and their ears are relatively large. Asiatic blackness bears alive in east asia, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Kingdom of cambodia, China, India, Islamic Republic of Islamic republic of iran, Japan, Democratic People's South korea, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Taiwan and Vietnam. Asiatic black bears are more carnivorous than their American counterparts, although only a pocket-size part of their diet is made upwardly of meat. This includes small mammals, birds, fish, molluscs and carcasses. They likewise feed on grasses, fruits, berries, seeds, insects and honey. In autumn they fatten upwardly for the winter past feeding on nuts. In northern climates they hibernate. In southern climates they do not hibernate. Credit -text- BBC Science and Nature. Photos courtesy of Wildlife S.O.S.

5-Andean Bear or Spectacled Bear – Tremarctos ornatus Most scientists refer to spectacled bears equally Andean bears (they are constitute only in the Andes mountains in South America). The bears are an endangered species, listed as Vulnerable, and information technology is illegal to kill them. The Andean comport is the last remaining short-faced bear (subfamily Tremarctinae) and the closest living relative to the Florida spectacled bear and short-faced bears of the Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene age. Spectacled bears are the just surviving species of comport native to Southward America, and the only surviving member of the subfamily Tremarctinae. The Spectacled Bear is technically the largest land carnivore on that continent, although as little as five% of its nutrition is composed of meat. Southward America'southward largest obligate carnivore is the jaguar. Among South America's extant, native land animals, only the Baird'due south and Due south American Tapirs are heavier than this species. The Spectacled bear is a mid-sized species of carry. Overall its fur is blackish in colour, though bears may vary from jet black to dark chocolate-brown and to even a carmine hue. The species typically has distinctive biscuit-coloured marking beyond its face and upper breast, though not all Spectacled bears have "spectacle" markings. The pattern and extent of pale markings are slightly unlike on each individual deport and bears tin can be readily distinguished past this. Males are a tertiary larger than females in dimensions and sometimes twice their weight. Males can weigh 100 – 200 kilograms (220 – 440 lb), and females 35 –82 kilograms (77 – 181 lb). Length tin can range from 120 to 200 cm (47–79 in), with a tail length of a mere 7 cm (2.8 in), and shoulder height from 60 to 90 cm (24–xxx in). Compared to other living bears, this species has a more than rounded face with a relatively short and broad snout. In some extinct species of the Tremarctinae subfamily, this facial structure has been thought to be an adaptation to a largely carnivorous nutrition, despite the modern Spectacled bears' herbivorous dietary preferences. Credit -text- Wikipedia. Photo credits-files from the Wikimedia Eatables.

6-Panda Bear – Ailuropoda melanoleuca Length: v ft (1.5m) (with a vi inch(.2m)tail). Weight: Around 250 lbs (113 kg) (males); around 220 lbs (100 kg) (females). The giant panda is a rare, endangered and elusive bear. Science used to believe that the giant panda was a fellow member of the raccoon family. With Dna analyses scientific discipline proved itself incorrect. The giant panda and the red panda are not related. Giant pandas are famous for their love of bamboo, a diet then nutritionally poor that the pandas have to consume upwards to 20kg each day. The extra digit on the panda's hand helps them to tear the bamboo and their gut is covered with a thick layer of mucus to protect against splinters. Habitat loss is the greatest crusade of the giant panda'due south decline, and today their range is restricted to vi separate mountain ranges in western Prc. A giant panda is born pinkish, hairless, blind and 1/900th the size of its mother. Unlike other bears, giant pandas practice not hibernate. In the winter, they move to lower elevations to proceed warm, while traveling to higher elevations in the summer to stay cool. They can be agile at any time of the day or night. Credits- text- various sources. Photo credits-world wide

7-Sloth carry
Melursus (Ursus) ursinus -Two subspecies: Sri Lankan Sloth Bear and Indian Sloth Bear. Body length: 140-190cm, Weight: male: 80-140kg, female person: 55-95kg. These shaggy-haired bears can be heard sucking up termites a long distance abroad. Sloth bears are stocky with long, shaggy, black pilus and a white U- or Y-shaped marking on the chest. They have large lips, a long tongue, a pale muzzle and well-developed claw-like claws that enable them to climb trees and dig for termites. Sloth bears live in Sri Lanka, Bharat, Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh. Sloth bears are nocturnal and occupy dwelling house ranges that they seem happy to share with other sloth bears. Male person sloth bears have an average range of 13 square km. This is much smaller than most other bears, probably due to the fact that they practice not suffer from seasonal fluctuations of food supply (ants and termites are bachelor all year circular). The constant availability of ants and termites also mean that they do not need to undergo a winter sleep. Credit -text- BBC Science and Nature. Photo credits – Photos on left(ii) of Sri Lankan Sloth Bears by photographer Cai Priestley – world wide Photos on right(ii) – Indian Sloth Bear – courtesy of Wildlife S.O.Southward.

eight-Lord's day Deport – Ursus malayanus –Body length: 120-150cm, Weight: female 27-50kg, male 27-65kg. They are the smallest species of bear. Lord's day bears accept short black/dark brown water-repellent fur, with a xanthous crescent on their chest. They have strong paws with naked soles and long sickle-shaped claws. They take flexible snouts and very long tongues, which are an adaptation for extracting termites from nests. Relatively(to their size), they have the largest canines of all the bear species. Canine teeth are specialised for fierce meat, only sunday bears are not particularly cannibal. They may use their precipitous canines as weapons or every bit tools for tearing at trees to get at insects. Dominicus bears live in south east Asia: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Cathay, Republic of india, Republic of indonesia, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. Credit -text- BBC Science and Nature. Photographic credit – Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC).
